It's interesting to note the increasing and entirely justifiable outrage surrounding the woman with the octuplets, despite the fact that she's apparently being approached with book and movie deals (wtf?). But all that's just the tip of the iceberg in this week's TFPO column, because, dagnabbit...
We're Humans, Not Rabbits or Fruit Flies
We're Humans, Not Rabbits or Fruit Flies
I like the article, being in a couple who has decided like you to forgo the idea of having children. Lately I've often wondered if possibly the whole reason why there might be issues with people having children and the sudden increase in fertility treatment possibly based the evolutionary idea that maybe there are too many people. Doesn't it make sense that maybe nature is telling us something and that maybe we have way too many people on the planet already? I find it rather interesting to see just how many people are having issues and then thanks to the wonders of science having multiple births then only to find themselves in a place where they are overly stressed, strapped for cash and complain. As you stated, there's nothing miraculous about birth, it's natural, get over it. Maybe 'nature' is taking it's course and telling humans to slow down. Maybe we should listen.
One way or another, something will happen to push back on human overpopulation. Environmental catastrophe. Global pandemic. Or maybe something self-inflicted as competition for scarcer resources escalates. It won't be pretty.
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