Tron: Legacy’ — Electrifies the Boys and Girls : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 23.12.1013.12.10
‘Being Gay Is Disgusting’: A Clever, Irreverent Retelling of the Bible’s First 5 Books : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
‘The King’s Speech’: Music to Our Ears : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10An Enchanting Dance Recital by India’s Rama Vaidyanathan : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10
Monsters: When Giants Walk Among Us : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10If You Value Freedom, Make Pot Legal : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Hereafter: Deathly Dull : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Protest Against Animal Cruelty: Jennifer Peterson vs. Barkworks: THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Break the Whip Whips it Good : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10ICT’s ‘The Clean House’ Is a Funny Place to Live : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10'Salt': Flat : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Read the rest of...'Salt': Flat : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’: Welcome Back, Magic : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Read the rest of...‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’: Welcome Back, Magic : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Inception: Into the Maze We Go : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 6.12.10Read the rest of...Inception: Into the Maze We Go : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
The Butcher’s Thumb: Both Up and Down : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 4.12.10The Treasure Hunt Is on : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
Obama, You Socialist Tyrant, Please Lead Us! : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 3.12.10Review: The Young Conservative's Field Guide
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 3.12.10
theatre review: the three musketeers
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 28.6.10
'Iron Man 2': Heart of Lead : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
How the Other Half Loves: A Game of Wit, Space, and Time : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
Sci-Fi Short Film Roundup: The District 9 Trend : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 5.5.1028.4.10
The Recreational Nihilist Comes to an End : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 28.4.1023.4.10
film review: the losers
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
‘The Wake’: Turbulence and Self-Reflection in a Stellar Kirk Douglas Production : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
Larry and Burt’s Gut Rot: Better Than Beer : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 2.4.1023.3.10
That Oh-So-Gray 2nd Amendment (Part 2) : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 23.3.1016.3.10
That Oh-So-Gray 2nd Amendment (Part 1) : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 16.3.1012.3.10
Alice in Wonderland: Burton and Carroll, Together at Last : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 12.3.1010.3.10
‘A Serious Man’: Serious About Questions, But Not About Answers : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 10.3.10...and Compassion for All : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 10.3.10Backwards in High Heels: A Bronze Start to a Silver Jubilee Year : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 10.3.1022.2.10
Praise for a Conservative Manifesto : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 22.2.1020.2.10
film review: inglourious basterds
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 20.2.1017.2.10
secret hospital - part 7
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 17.2.10The Ladder – An experimental web-only fiction series that spans multiple story lines and characters…Tune in on Wednesdays for a new installment.
Eyes only. Handle via CATA-9 channels only.
Dr. P: Tell me about school.
RQ: School?
Dr. P: Yes, when you were, say, a teen. I understand you went to a high school in New York?
RQ: Yes...( 3 second delay)
Dr. P: Something wrong?
RQ: Dr. Forrester never asked me about school.
Dr. P: Didn't he? What did he ask about?
RQ: He wanted to know about my childhood.
Dr. P: Do you want to talk about that?
RQ: No!
Dr. P: Then why don't you tell me about school?
RQ: I don't know.
Dr. P: Did you get along with the other children?
RQ: (4 second delay) I guess.
Dr. P:I think you had a hard time adjusting. A Palestinian girl. (2 second delay) The Jewish kids didn't like you, did they?
RQ: You went to school to get insight like that?
Dr. P: You're not giving me much to work with. But you're right, I'm not exerting myself. But I think there's more to it. Your teachers were kind to you, yes? Students, well, children can be the cruelest of all. One reason why my wife and I have a dog instead of children. In any case, I would be surprised if nothing happened.
RQ: Nothing happened.
Dr. P: No?
RQ: No.
Dr. P: When I was in school, I always buried my head in a book. Naturally, I got picked on. Then I found a place to hide during recess, which didn't help me get out of my shell. My parents, of course, were worried that I'd become some stunted fellow with no social skills. But by the end of my first year in college, I'd gotten over it. There was nothing really, to my childhood. But you see, I wasn't...
RQ: Special? That's a word Dr. Forrester used. He used it a lot. I hate that word. Special.
Dr. P: I was going to say I wasn't looking to stand out. But it's interesting you brought up the word special. You don't think you're special? Do you remember what I told earlier?
RQ: I...( 5 second delay)
Dr. P: There was an incident at school.
RQ: Don't want to talk about it.
Dr. P: According to the reports
RQ: Don't want to talk about it!
Dr. P :A young boy by the name of Timothy Palin called you a...
RQ: Shut up! Shut up!
Dr. P: A filthy arab.
RQ: No...
Dr. P: A filthy arab, it said in the report.
RQ: Shut up...
Dr. P: And you pushed him.
RQ: Please, I don't want to...
Dr. P: You do know why you're in here, right?
RQ: What?
Dr. P: Why you're in here? These walls, I'm told, are the only things capable of keeping you in.
RQ: I...(2 second delay) What?
Dr. P: I don't think that's true. But back to Timothy. You pushed him. A small tap, really.
RQ: No, please.
Dr. P: You broke his collarbone.
RQ: No. Yes.
Dr. P: It was just a tap.
RQ: Just a tap. I didn't mean to.
Dr. P: They believe these walls can keep you in. In fact, that's what they want you to believe.
RQ: Want me to...believe?
Dr. P: That's right. What can I do to earn your trust? Are you ready to fall into my arms? That little trust-building exercise?
RQ: I...I'm confused.
Dr. P: I know. I'm sorry. But sometimes one has to cut the skin to reach the heart. You broke Timothy's collarbone, and then the kids really hated you. The hate that comes from fear.
RQ: I don't want to talk anymore. Go away. Go away!
Dr. P: All right. We'll take a break. Can I bring you anything when I return? Sweets, perhaps?
RQ: No.
Dr. P: As you like.
RQ: Wait...
Dr. P: Yes?
RQ: Gummi bears.
Dr. P: Gummi bears?
RQ: I like gummi bears.
film review: valentine’s day
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 12.2.1010.2.10
the ladder - episode index
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 10.2.10TFPO column: When Money Isn’t Honey: Lessons From Vegas : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE
Posted by Frederik Sisa at
TFPO column: the fur may now be faux, but so is johnny weir’s conscience
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 2.2.10Also, more commentary on the topic over at The Fashionoclast.
film review: the imaginarium of doctor parnassus
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 1.2.10Entertainment: * (out of two)
Craft: ** (out of two)
And the review at TFPO:
A Mirror Wonderland
review: avatar
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 24.1.10Entertainment: * (out of two)
Craft: * (out of two)
Avatar: Nobody Home in These Beautiful Bodies
the ladder - synapse city (part 5)
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 20.1.10A squawk on the radio, cryptic nonsense words lost in static.
“I think that means we’ve been spotted,” the Equation says.
“I’ve got it covered,” the Engine says, stopping the Slicer nose-to-nose with a beat-up dumpster that looks like it hasn’t been emptied for months. One look at the Effect and she nods her understanding. She unbuckles her seatbelt, grabs a small black knap-sack, and exits the car into the lightless gloom of the alleys. The Equation’s face bends into a tight smile, but he keeps fiddling with the console.
“Delphi analyzed radio and sensor data. There are 37 cops deployed on foot, roadblocks on every street around Lumen’s lab, and 1 helicopter.”
“My kind of odds.”
The Engine, with a flashy white grin, pushes a small black button on the dashboard. The Slicer’s black exteriors gradually turns to rust and peeled silver paint; a classic jaunt turned wrecked jalopy. While the Slicer undergoes its urban camouflage, the scientist studies data readouts on the screen, schematics, plans. He thinks of the strategy behind the show of force. Police Commissioner Evelyn Grant Warren must have deliberately started the chess game. The prize: answer to the disappearance of Synapse City’s foremost metafictional physicist. And power. Always power. Because Dr. Artemus Lumen, whom the Equation studied with at the Synapse City University, studies phenomena that can alter the very fabric of reality. The Equation is, perhaps, the only to truly understand Dr. Lumen’s work. But to people like Commissioner Warren and her pet mobsters, like Boss Marcone, what counts are the results. So: a massive show of force to draw out the Equilibrium Trio. Possible scenario 1: create enough holes in the net to let the Trio into Dr. Lumen’s lab, find what everyone is looking for, then close the holes and set the trap. Possible scenario 2: blockade the lab and hold it hostage to force the Trio into some kind of action.
Or maybe the Equation doesn’t have enough to properly theorize. The only solution is to wait for the Effect to do what she does best: discover information that people don’t want discovered. Thus: scientist and commando wait in the camouflaged car, eyes open for movement against them, eager to move into action.
film review: leap year
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 17.1.10Entertainment: no stars
Craft: * (out of two)
At TFPO - Leap Year: Skip It.
the ladder - synapse city (part 4)
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 13.1.10Note: I will post an organized list of links to all episodes of The Ladder to date next week so you can revisit episodes you may have missed or catch up if you're new to the series. As always, I appreciate your feedback and comments.
Though the Equation knows something about Dr. Lumen’s work he doesn’t elaborate, citing instead the need to gather confirming evidence. His partners, frustrated but accustomed to the Equation’s caution, leave him poring over the holographic display with a notepad in hand. Yawning, The Effect takes to the kitchen, raiding the fridge for a bottle of Chardonnay, and heads off to her sleeping quarters to read a science-fiction novel before going to bed. The Engine works out for an hour, lifting weights that would make most men squirm, then settles on the red leather sofa in front of the large flat-screen television. He doesn’t tune in, however, choosing instead to slip on earphones connected to a portable CD player. French lessons.
Shortly after midnight, however, an announcement on the police scanner catches Delphi’s attention. The hypercomputer promptly notifies the Equation, who sits at a console analyzing data from Dr. Lumen’s information map.
The radio, with a scratchy woman’s voice: “All units converge to 221B Cooke Street. Possible break-in in progress. Over.”
Various police patrol cars check in. The Equation, thunderstruck, hits the alarm button and the Equilibrium Trio’s headquarters fills with the two tones – one bass, one high – of the emergency call to action.
“What’s going on, doc?” says the Engine, who wakes up from his improvised nap on the couch like a panther ready to pounce.
“I’d like to know too,” says the Effect, who has traded her dress for black jeans and a turtleneck. “And thank goodness that chard tasted terrible.”
“Gear up and I’ll explain on the way,” says the Equation, already headed to the equipment lockers.
The Slicer cuts through the city night, a black phantom automobile that people only seem to register in their peripheral vision. Synapse City is asleep, but with one eye open. Characters lurk in the shadows.
“Cooke Street…that’s Dr. Lumen’s lab.”
The Equation looks at the Effect and nods his head. “Without the disc, they’re getting desperate. Dr. Lumen didn’t leave any hint of his whereabouts…we know that much. Either they learned something new, or”
“It’s a trap,” the Engine says, gritting his teeth as he takes the Slicer around a tight turn.
“Probability favours that scenario, yes.”
“So what’s the plan?”
The Engine offers another question: “What was Dr. Lumen working on?”
“That map,” says the Equation, “contains all known metafictions. He was sorting them, looking for something…but what…I don’t have enough information yet.”
A sudden deceleration sends them into their seats. The Engine reverses gear, backs up, then puts the gear in forward as he drives the Slicer down an alleyway. The radio scanner goes crazy with traffic; roadblocks, helicopters, the thin blue line gotten a whole lot thicker.
“There are more cops here than cavities on children’s teeth after Halloween,” the Engine says.
“Quite,” says the scientist. “But we may have to risk it. If we’ve missed something, if there is some clue as to where Dr. Lumen has gone, we have to take it. The consequences otherwise…”
“Speculate?” says the Effect.
“Dr. Lumen was, of course, known for his work on teleportation,” the Equation says. “A breakthrough, combined with the metafictional map…”
“You mean…”
The Equation nods his head again before turning his attention to the computer console. “A breakdown of barriers.”
TFPO column: climate change denial - it's all about politics
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 11.1.10Climate Change Denial: It’s All Politics
Why Won’t Climate Change Deniers Accept the Science?
Climate Change Denial, Science, and the Burden of Proof
film review: sherlock holmes
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 8.1.10Entertainment: * (out of two)
Craft: * (out of two)
Review at TFPO: Sherlock Holmes: Deduce and Destroy
film review: up in the air
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 4.1.10Entertainment: ** (out of two)
Craft: ** (out of two)
Gold star recommended!
Review at TFPO:
Up in the Air: A Flight Worth Taking
happy new year!
Posted by Frederik Sisa at 2.1.10I wish you the best for 2010 and, as always, thank you for reading!
: f :