
art you can see through (at TFPO)

X-rays may not seem the likeliest of artistic mediums, but let’s be honest. Despite potentially morbid diagnoses and comparisons to Where’s Waldo? or Rorschach tests, X-ray prints possess a distinctive aesthetic that can mesmerize even folk who don’t frequent the uniquely fantastic Melrose Boulevard curio-seller, Necromance. Beyond the otherworldly photographic effect, x-rays are laced with an ineffable aura of awesome. After all, they let us see through and inside things. It thus seems like the most likely of art mediums using technology more advanced than paint brushes and film cameras.

Enter Dr. Paula Fontaine, a podiatric surgeon and artist, with computer wizard Joseph Moisan.

Read the rest of my feature on Radiant Art Studios, which includes an interview with the x-ray artists themselves, at The Front Page Online.

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