
Black Swan: Into the Art of Darkness : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE

Thrill-seekers everywhere may have latched onto Amy Chua’s provocative — and probably un-contextual — support of “Chinese-style” parenting for a good gush of outrage: Deny children their little pleasures, relentlessly coerce them into academic (and other) excellence, and use all means short of the nuclear option to foster respect, obedience and hard work. The result, according to the tiger mother school of parenting, is a “virtuous cycle” in which all that rote practice pays off with the level of achievement that makes work fun. And perhaps also an explanation of the Chinese political system as imagined by party leaders. For the offended, Darren Aranofsky’s masterful psychological phantasm offers a vivid, lyrical rejoinder.

Read the rest here...Black Swan: Into the Art of Darkness : THE FRONT PAGE ONLINE

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