It would be easy to succumb to the action spectacle, bloody and explosive as it is. So let's be honest: a particular piece of alien military technology that makes a memorable appearance at the end isn't lacking in thrills. But at heart District 9's violent action carries with it a rich and unnerving subtext. And that subtext makes for a film that invites dissection and discussion long after the credits fade into black. It's a very different kind of movie from Moon: soft SF as opposed to hard. Yet in the tradition of good science fiction, it manages to bring together social commentary and hard-hitting storytelling within the classic context of humanity's first encounter with an alien race. Past the surface appeal of the film's craft and accessibility to audiences is a film of intelligence and sensitivity.
Review at TFPO: District 9
Entertainment: ** (out of two)
Craft: ** (out of two)
Gold star recommended!
Review at TFPO: District 9
Entertainment: ** (out of two)
Craft: ** (out of two)
Gold star recommended!
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